Bochiborof, Aloof Fighter

Bochiborof, Aloof Fighter
孤こ高こうの闘とう士し ボチボロフ
Civilization: Darkness Darkness.png
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 5
Race: Funky Knightmare
English Text:
■ Slayer

■ When you put this creature into the battle zone, put the top 3 cards of your deck into your graveyard. Then you may return a creature from your graveyard to your hand.

Japanese Text:
■ スレイヤー

■ このクリーチャーがバトルゾーンに出たとき、自分の山札の上から3枚を墓地に置く。その後、クリーチャーを1体、自分の墓地から手札に戻してもよい

Power: 5000
Flavor Text: オレはひとりぼっちでも戦い抜くぜ! そうしないと、魔壊王様が悲しむからな。I will fight even alone! Otherwise, Makaiou-sama will be sad. ─Bochiborof, Aloof Fighter (DMX-26)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: kawaryu
Sets and Rarity:
DMX-26 Final Memorial Pack ~DS, Rev, RevF edition~ RevF.png
(2/54 — No Rarity)