Glennya, Boiling Water
Glennya, Boiling Water
Civilizations: WaterWater.png / Fire Fire.png
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 2
Races: Flame Monster / Blue Monster
English Text:
■ (This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
■ When you put this creature into the battle zone, you may draw a card.
Japanese Text:
■ マナゾーンに置く時、このカードはタップして置く。
■ このカードをバトルゾーンに出した時、カードを1枚引いてもよい。
Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: 火と水を合わせたら温泉ニャー!! ―Glennya, Boiling Water (DMR-03)
ニャーニャーニャー(大物カップルの結婚発表のWめでたさに、会場もわいてるニャン) NyanNyanNyan (When Bolbalzak and Amaterasu were announced to be married, The stage was boiling, nyan)–─Glennya, Boiling Water (DMX-24)
Although the Queen regained her sanity, she was no match for Alcaclown… and the royal family was thought to be lost right then. However, Romanesk and other good rivals gathered there, and borrowing their power, the Queen brought down Alcaclown and swore to continue the royal family. (DMBD-01)
Mana Number: 1
Sets and Rarity:
DMR-03 Gaial Victory E1.png
(51/54 — Common Common.png)
DMD-09 1st Deck Outrage Dash E3.png
(14/14 — Common Common.png)
DMX-22 Super Black Box Pack Rev.png
(a56/59 — Common Common.png)
DMX-24 Shine! Duedemy Prize Pack RevF.png
(54/54 — Common Common.png)
DMBD-01 Chronicle Legacy Deck: Alcadeias Requiem
(16/16 — Common Common.png)