Japanflag.png Phonetic: Pakurio
Civilization: WaterWater.png
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 4
Race: Cyber Lord
English Text:
■ When you put this creature into the battle zone, you may look at your opponent’s hand and add a card from it to their shields face down.
Japanese Text:
■ このクリーチャーをバトルゾーンに出した時、相手の手札を見る。その中から1枚選び、裏向きにして相手のシールドに加えてもよい。
Power: 1000
Flavor Texts: 「いい切り札だ。鍵をかけて大事にしまって置いてあげようね。」 „What an excellent trump card you have. I’ll lock it away, nice and safe for you.” ─Pakurio (DM-15)
知ってしまった君の秘密。大事にしまってあげようね The secret that you know, I’ll lock it carefully. ─Pakurio (DMX-01)
敵の戦略をチェキラ! ─Pakurio (DMX-22)
みんな! 鬼丸がシャングリラに「必勝」するはずだ! だから、俺たちも必ず勝つ!! Everyone! Onimaru has a „certain victory” against Shangri-La! That’s why, we will definitely win as well!! —Kaiser „Baki”, Zenith of „Certain Victory” (DMBD-09)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Shin „JASON” Nagasawa
Sets and Rarity:
DM-15 Secret of Hidden Gear text-align
(24/55 — Uncommon Uncommon.png)
DMC-42 CoroCoro Dream Pack 3: Eternal Gear Dmc42symbol.gif
(42/90 — Uncommon Uncommon.png)
DMX-01 King of Duel Road: Strong 7 E1.png
(18/40 — Uncommon Uncommon.png)
DMX-22 Super Black Box Pack Rev.png
(b95/??? — Uncommon Uncommon.png)
DMBD-09 Ultimate Chronicle Deck 2019: Gachinko! Kaiser Blade Oga
(18/20 — Uncommon Uncommon.png)